Anja Kluge, organisational developer - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Jacqueline Häußler

Anja Kluge

Team and organisational development
Transformation Management
Attentive, proactive, clear, methodical

Team and Organizational Development Consultant

People and organizations that want to grow and develop are in very good hands with Anja Kluge. She is a psychology graduate and empathetic organizational development consultant, working with individuals, teams, and whole organizations to make their change and development processes a success. She can look at situations from outside in a holistic and candid way, which is particularly useful in her work.

Driven by Maximizing Potential

Anja is passionate about supporting people to successfully manage transformation: empowering them, tapping their potential, and helping them to develop a sense of self-efficacy. The results of these development processes are both her purpose and her reward. She has a keen interest in architectural psychology, which is why her holistic, systematic perspective is unique as she integrates physical space into her work: objective, people, processes, time, space. Her keen observation skills paired with her solid expertise and dedication make Anja an effective facilitator for challenging transformation processes.

Professional Experience

Anja began her professional career in consultancy when she was still studying psychology at universities in Munich, Bordeaux, and Chicago. She worked for several years at a consulting firm that specialized in organizational development, focusing on coaching and team and culture development. She also spent several years as a project manager for German and international clients, managing their change processes to make them a success. One focus of these projects was on physically changing the working environment, including the cultural transformation that this entailed and the change in how employees worked together. Anja built on her specialisms with a course on psychodynamic team supervision, coaching, and organizational consultancy (Institut für Psychodynamische Organisationsberatung München), and training in systemic consultancy (Münchner Institut für Systemische Weiterbildung).

Strengths: Clarity, Empathy, and Business-Minded

Anja’s aim is to organize and structure, that’s why she has a keen interest in SMEs. Clear, workable concepts that cover all the key parameters, a good pragmatic approach, and sharp observation skills that can even pick up on factors that haven’t been articulated. Her clients value her talent for listening, reflecting, and even pointing out uncomfortable observations. Anja turns impossibility into possibility. She enables teams to bond around processes, even challenging ones, and cultivate mutual trust for the road ahead.

About Anja Kluge


  • Proactive
  • are clearly
  • Methodical
  • Empathic
  • sincere
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