Development dialogues - an investment that pays off

Managing director knowledge: Communicating unpleasant decisions

Ability to deal with conflict - a key competence of managers

Managing director expertise: Making confident decisions in uncertain times

How to avoid micromanagement - a checklist for managers

Discover the potential of artificial intelligence for your company

Managing director knowledge: Success factors for successful change processes

Managing director knowledge: 9 tips for a constructive culture of fault tolerance

How employees become shapers of change: Impulses for successful transformations

More time for the essentials: strategic leadership

Autonomy in leadership: the decisive difference in times of crisis.

Sustainable conflict resolution in teams

Generational change in medium-sized companies - success factors

Managing director knowledge: Understanding resistance in transformations and using it productively

Sustainable strategy development in medium-sized companies

Managing director knowledge: How to explain the strategy clearly.

Remote leadership - a checklist

Successful leadership: How to utilise your team's potential for business success.

Managing director knowledge: Leading purposefully with effective questions

Team development in management teams

Filling leadership roles correctly

Managing director knowledge: Communication in change processes

Tips for clear, convincing language

Hansjörg Burggraf and Alexander Weber talk business

Conduct meetings

Personal coaching: How to put your development in the fast lane

The AI as a leader

Authenticity - a success factor as a managing director

Cultural transformation: role and tasks of executive management

Annual accounting of human capital - a necessary step in our knowledge society?

The overstretched organisation: symptoms, causes and recommendations for action

Feedback - a leadership instrument

Dealing with Low Performers

Leadership culture in transition: Best practice transformation in SMEs

The manager as coach

Teambuilding - The path to trustful cooperation

Entrepreneurial talk with Sabine Walter

From hierarchical structures to role-based working

Managing director knowledge: Change needs trust

Managing director knowledge: The essence of effective leadership

Value diversity in management teams

The first 100 days as a new manager - checklist

Team development in small and medium-sized companies

Conflict management from A to Z

Change of perspective - employee appraisals from the employee's point of view

Serious Games: Learning through play

Humanistic leadership: what, why and how?

Back to the office? Focus on team development

Ideas paper: The agile state - transformation of a society.

Decision-making culture - catalyst or brake in transformation processes

Entrepreneurial talk with Peter Haberl

Entrepreneurial talk with Martin Becker

Paul Helmeth in conversation with entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurial talk with Dirk Schallock

The Learning Organisation: Success Factors and Recommendations for Action

Can innovation be learned?

Leading Agile Transformation Successfully

Promote entrepreneurship