Impulses for Personality Development

Persönlichkeitsentwicklung für Führungskräfte

Die kontinuierliche Persönlichkeitsentwicklung ist elementar für beruflichen Erfolg. Bei unserer Persönlichkeitsentwicklung geht es nicht nur um den Ausbau methodischer und kognitiver Kompetenzen. Es geht uns vielmehr darum, Denken, Fühlen und Handeln in einen natürlichen Gleichklang zu bringen. Deshalb lösen wir in unseren Coachings blockierende Persönlichkeitsmuster und richten Ihr Gesamtsystem energetisch neu aus.

In unserem Blog finden Sie Artikel zu Fragen rund um die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung sowie das Agieren in Konfliktsituationen.

Pop Art Whispering in Your Ear, Communicating Persuasively, Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Vovanlvanovich on Shutterstock

What are the causes of unclear communication and the resulting lack of persuasiveness? Apart from rhetoric training, what else can you do to communicate convincingly and appear self-confident?

Tips for clear, convincing language

Personality development: Flying Snail - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Lightspring on Shutterstock

Personal coaching can be a powerful tool to put your development in the fast lane. It offers you the opportunity to gain clarity about your goals, overcome inner blockages and develop new, constructive ways of thinking.

Personal coaching: How to put your development in the fast lane

Computer screen with several screenshots of Serious Games - Organisation Development | Executive Coaching
Picture | Fabula Games

Serious games are a very effective method of further education, much more effective than classic e-learning.

What exactly is behind the educational games is explained by Tomislav Bodrozic, Managing Director of Fabula Games. He also answers the questions of how serious games have to be structured so that the players stay with them until the end, which topics can be implemented with learning games, and how companies should proceed if they want to include serious games in their training programmes.

Serious Games: Learning through play

Self-reflection at the end of the year: Two hands holding two sparklers into the night - Organisation Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Ian Schneider on Unsplash

"Walk slowly when you are in a hurry." The first part of this Japanese proverb sums up what the end of the year is all about, in addition to all the festive preparations. Before we rush into the new year full of verve and many good intentions, we should take a step back and reflect on the current year.

Turn of the year - time to think and reflect

Karsten Miermans
Photo | Elwin Rijken

Our world is complex and very fast-paced. We receive a wealth of information every day and sometimes have to make far-reaching decisions in a fraction of a second. Karsten Miermans from the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich explains how critical thinking can help us, what exactly is behind it and how we can learn and train it.

What fascinates you about critical thinking, Mr Miermans?

Unfolding potential: Slaves rise up and break their chains , Releasing blocking beliefs, Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Sergey Shubin on Shutterstock

Lee Iacocca put it this way: "I'm talking about people with fire in their eyes: you just have to look at them to know they're good." And he expressed what we feel when we talk to personalities at regular intervals. After interviewing various personalities from very different areas of business and science, art and culture for our series "Das netzwerk im Gespräch mit ...", we asked ourselves the question: "What unites these people - despite their differences?"

Break your chains and show what you are.

Leadership: Male Lion at rest - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Frida-bredesen on Unsplash

The heroes are dead. We need heroes. The legends of heroes like Siegfried, Homer and Odysseus have long been a thing of the past. And yet the social search for heroes of our time is more topical than ever.

What makes hero:ins? And why do we need them so urgently in this day and age? We would like to answer these two questions in the article.

We need heroes. A plea for entrepreneurial personalities

Cones flying apart - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | stockshoppe on Shutterstock

"If only I had..." - this thought often haunts us for days after we have experienced a verbal attack in everyday life or at work. In the moment of surprise, we often lack the composure for a good reaction and the right words. Working on our repartee therefore means working on our attitude. Only then can we use proven tools to leave the situation behind us with a good feeling.

Punching skill - land hits without causing damage

Addressing conflicts - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | ZoneCreative on Shutterstock

Even though conflicts hold opportunities, most people do not welcome them in their private or professional lives. The strategies for dealing with conflict vary: from ignoring it to lashing out. Addressing a conflict at an early stage in such a way that the other person listens and the conversation is constructive is difficult for many people.

That's enough! The way to address conflicts.

Communication: Historical microphones on the table - Organisation Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | BrAt82 on Shutterstock

Children can. And they drive us adults almost crazy with the 35th "Why? The motivation behind it is as simple as it is fascinating: Children are curious. They want to discover, they really want to understand. We adults have often forgotten how to ask questions and how to really understand. We assume, presuppose and conclude. Alone. In silence. But the old German saying: "He who asks, leads." still holds true.

He who asks, leads. How to steer conversations towards a result.

Baby highly astonished - PATTA principle, Professional appearance - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | EvgeniiAnd on Shutterstock

For some it is everyday life, for others it catches them on the wrong foot. The request to lead a meeting or to take over an appointment although you have little idea about the content. Below you will find some tips on how to succeed in appearing professional even if you are not an expert in the subject.

The PATTA principle: Appear professional despite total cluelessness.

Time management: Man in clock tries to stop the hands - Organisation Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | BPTU on Shutterstock

Time management is a perennial topic in further education and guidebooks. And: It is the topic that very few people are able to manage to their personal satisfaction. Read how it can be done.

Time management tips for managers

The fish eats the worm - Presentation techniques - Organisation Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Afrika Studio on Shutterstock

According to a study by the market research institute INNOFACT, each person in working life spends an average of 100 hours per year creating presentations. 100 hours - that's more than 2 weeks. It is all the more shocking that over 80% of these presentations are rated as boring by the audience. With these simple basic rules you will manage to make your presentations convincing...

The worm must taste good to the fish, not the angler: tips for convincing presentations

Markus Trost and Sabine Walter, Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Trost / Pescha

Under this motto, Computerwoche invites experts to its online career guide every fortnight. Markus Trost, partner at the international HR consultancy Odgers Berndtson, and Sabine Walter answered questions about personal and professional development, among other things.

Readers ask - HR experts answer

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