EXECUTIVE Coaching – München, Ammersee, Augsburg, Allgäu

Executive coaching for managing directors

The Executive Coaching is aimed at Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer im Mittelstand. Sabine Walter begleitet die erfahrenen Führungskräfte vertrauensvoll bei Fragen zur Staff management, Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens, Führung von Transformationen oder Veränderungsprozesse sowie der individuellen Personality development.

What characterises Sabine Walter as an executive coach?

With me, you are gaining an entrepreneurial personality who can look back on 25 years of management experience and more than 15 years of coaching expertise and experience in advising and developing medium-sized companies.

Ich bin ICF zertifizierter Coach, stamme selbst aus einer Unternehmerfamilie und brenne dafür, Menschen und Unternehmen zu entwickeln, so dass sie in ihrer vollen Kraft sind und ihr gesamtes Potenzial entfalten können.

Read the entrepreneur talk
with Sabine Walter:
To the interview

Coaching topics

Aufgrund der Führungs- und Industrieexpertise bietet Sabine Walter Geschäftsführern, C-Level-Manager und Unternehmern ein umfassendes Coaching- und Beratungsangebot an:

  • Career coaching
  • Coaching zum Onboarding als neuer Geschäftsführer
  • Coaching zur Strategischen Weiterentwicklung des Unternehmens
  • Coaching Change Management
  • Coaching Generationswechsel im Unternehmen
  • Coaching Persönlichkeitsentwicklung

Coaching Best Practices

Geschäftsführer Coaching: Strategische Neuausrichtung

Strategic reorganisation of a medium-sized family business

Your situation

You are an employed managing director of the medium-sized family business. The company is headquartered in Germany and is primarily dependent on two industries: Automotive and construction.

In order to secure the company's competitiveness, you would like to sell one division so that you can make the more than overdue investments in the other.

You present your strategy to the Supervisory Board and the shareholders and receive resistance at all levels.

Estimated scope of coaching

12 - 16 hours

Coaching results

  • Analysed conflict structure of all parties involved
  • Transparency about your own trigger points
  • Procedure for resolving the various conflicts
  • Increased personal ability to deal with conflict
  • Convincing target image of the new organisation
  • Shortlist of potential buyers
  • Business case for remaining division
  • Convincing communication strategy
  • Key questions to help guide you through the various conversations
  • Strategies to weaken resistance
  • Strengthened basis of trust with key stakeholders
  • The go for your proposal

Coaching für Geschäftsführer und Unternehmer: Change Management

  • Wie kann ich die Veränderungsbereitschaft im Unternehmen erhöhen?
  • Wie kommuniziere ich in Veränderungsprozessen?
  • Wie schaffe ich es, dass Mitarbeiter von sich aus Veränderungen unterstützen?
  • Wie erkenne ich Widerstand in Transformationsprozessen und kann diesen minimieren?

Managing director knowledge: Success factors for change processes

Coaching für Unternehmer: Generationswechsel in Unternehmen

  • Wie muss ich den Generationswechsel vorbereiten?
  • Worauf muss ich achten, wenn meine Tochter / mein Sohn ins Unternehmen einsteigt?
  • Wie schaffe ich es, dass alle Mitarbeiter diesen Generationswechsel Mitttragen?
  • Wie kann ich sicherstellen, dass ich meine Tochter / meinen Sohn nicht überfordere?

Success factors for generational change in SMEs

Coaching für Führungskräfte: Zeitgemäße Führung

  • Wie entwickle ich mein Managementteam?
  • Wie führe ich in Krisenzeiten?
  • How can trust-based cooperation in management be improved?
  • Wie gewinne ich Beirat und Gesellschafter für meine Strategie?

Impulse für wirksame Führung

Coaching for personality development

  • How can I be authentic in my role?
  • How can I act even more in line with my values in these challenging times?
  • Wie kann ich besser mit Stress umgehen?
  • How do I communicate even complex topics convincingly?

Authenticity - a success factor as a managing director

Häufige Coaching-themen der Geschäftsführer

  • How can the company be strategically reorganised?
  • How can I initiate a culture change in the company and lead to success?
  • How can our company become more agile?
  • How do I gain the acceptance of the entire workforce for necessary changes?
  • How can we become a management team that works trustful together?
Get to know us as
organisational development:
Organisational development

Frequently asked questions

How do you work in executive coaching?

In the Managing Director Coaching programme, I support you in all aspects of your further development. In doing so, I look at you as a person and in your role - i.e. as part of the system in which you operate. The system can be the company, the management team or, in the case of family entrepreneurs, the family:

My coaching is systemically solution-focussed. Depending on the task at hand, sparring, counselling and small training sessions can be part of my work. I use all methods to support you in achieving your goal and thus further development.

Bieten Sie Coachings für Unternehmer an?

Der Schwerpunkt meiner Coachees sind Unternehmer aus dem Mittelstand. Meistens dient das Coaching der Vorbereitung oder der Begleitung eines Generationswechsels von der Eltern- auf die Kindergeneration. In solchen Nachfolgeprozessen nutzt sowohl der Senior-Unternehmern als auch der oder die Junior-Unternehmer:in das Coachingangebot.

Die Begleitung erfolgt über mehrere Jahre. Allerdings findet ein Coaching in der Regel nur einmal monatlich statt.

How much time should I plan for executive coaching?

It has proven successful to carry out coaching in small units of 60 minutes each over a longer period of time. Many managers and executives work with me every 3-4 weeks and receive support over the course of a year.

Warum sollte ich als Geschäftsführer oder Unternehmer in ein Coaching investieren?

Ein Executive Coaching bietet Geschäftsführern konkreten Nutzen auf mehreren Ebenen. Hier sind drei Gründe, warum Sie als Geschäftsführer oder Unternehmer in ein Coaching investieren sollten:

  1. Sparring partner and honest feedback provider: With the coach, you gain a sparring partner and honest feedback provider. You rarely find this in your own company.
  2. Self-reflection and change of perspectiveA coach helps you to better recognise your own strengths and weaknesses and promotes deeper self-reflection. Both help you to develop as a person and in your leadership role.
  3. Impulses for the further development of the company: Many of my clients use their coaching to gain impetus for the further development of the company organisation or for upcoming change projects.

You can also find specific case studies on our "Book coaching" page.

Book Coaching

Was spricht für Sabine Walter als Executive Coach?

  • Sparring partner for C-Level: Your Executive Coach Sabine Walter has 15 years of coaching experience, is an entrepreneur at eye level and an experienced manager. Sabine Walter incorporates this experience into her coaching, scrutinises topics from different perspectives and is therefore a valuable sparring partner for you.
  • Trust and confidentiality: We attach great importance to a trusting working relationship and guarantee absolute confidentiality. Your success is our top priority and we will do everything we can to support you in achieving it.
  • Sustainable resultsOur approach aims to achieve long-term improvements in your management style and your corporate strategy. We accompany you on your journey and support you in implementing sustainable changes.

Trusted sparring partner and executive coach for the management.

Sabine Walter supported the management of the mediaprint group for one and a half years as part of an executive coaching and sparring programme. The aim of the initiative was the strategic reorientation of a division and the development of digital products so that these would achieve a turnover share of 15%. In order to achieve this, it was essential to digitalise processes and workflows and make changes to the organisation, but above all to the way employees and managers think. Mrs Walter was a trusted sparring partner and executive coach for the management team during this successful change process. Personally, I was impressed by the way Mrs Walter adapted to each individual manager and their challenges while working towards a common goal with impressive clarity.

Markus Trost, Managing Director of the mediaprint Group, Mehring

Inexhaustible ideas as well as expert and honest feedback.

"We took our 50th anniversary as an opportunity to realign the company IBF Ingenieure for the future. In doing so, we also wanted to take care of our internal processes around corporate and employee management.
I turned to you, Mrs Walter, for support in this process. You put us on the right track with leadership coaching, workshops for employees and for the management. Thank you very much for the trusting cooperation, your inexhaustible ideas and your expert and honest feedback.

Michael Weise, Managing Partner IBF Ingenieure Munich

Managing Director Coaching with Sabine Walter

  • Entrepreneur at eye level
  • Appreciation for people
  • 15 years of coaching experience
  • Critical sparring partner for C-level executives
  • High effectiveness

Blog article for managing directors

Strategic Leadership - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Graphic | CoreDESIGN on Shutterstock
Time is a managing director's most valuable asset. Without conscious demarcation, clear prioritisation and trust in the team, there is a risk that the really important, strategic tasks will fall by the wayside. This article provides concrete ideas on how to regain your self-determination and find time for strategic work.

More time for the essentials: strategic leadership

Autonomy in leadership - organisational development | executive coaching
Photo | Zamrznuti tonovi on Shutterstock
In times of crisis, the management of a company is put to the test. Managing directors are faced with unexpected challenges that require quick decisions and flexible adjustments. A key strategy for successfully managing companies in such times is to strengthen autonomy in management. Paradoxically, however, many managers react in exactly the opposite way during crises: they restrict the autonomy of their employees. This article sheds light on why autonomy in leadership is so important in times of crisis and why managers nevertheless often revert to centralised decision-making processes.

Autonomy in leadership: the decisive difference in times of crisis.

Strategy Development - Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Graphic | Uthai pr on Shutterstock
In many companies, the traditional strategy process overloads the organisation. As a result, strategic goals are sometimes not achieved or are achieved late.

In this article, you as a manager will be given ideas on how you can change the strategy process in your company in order to avoid overburdening employees and managers and achieve your business goals.

Sustainable strategy development in medium-sized companies

Book Coaching BLOG