Organisational development - METROPOLITAN REGION Munich

Organisational development in companies

As a management consultancy in the Munich metropolitan region, we focus on advising medium-sized family businesses in southern Germany on the further development of their corporate culture and organisational structure. The aim of this further development is to maintain or restore competitiveness in these volatile times, which are characterised by geopolitical, social and technological challenges.

Components of organisational development

As a rule, organisational development comprises three central elements:

  1. The Development of a management teamthat works together in a spirit of trust and radiates this trust into the organisation.
  2. The Further development of culture, structures and processes of the entire company
  3. The Qualification of managers and employees

We provide you with these three service modules from a single source.

Team development for management teams

Leadership development

Reasons for organisational development

The regular further development of your organisation, i.e. the culture, structures, processes and skills in your company, is essential for various reasons:

  • Strategic realignment: Due to market dynamics and technological opportunities, companies are scrutinising previous business models and realigning their strategies. It goes without saying that this entails the further development of the company organisation.
  • Technological progress: Technological progress, above all AI and digitalisation, require further development of skills and a change in working methods and processes.
  • Employer attractiveness: Generational and value change presents companies with new challenges and opportunities. Organisational development is essential in order to respond to these changes and meet the expectations of a diverse workforce in terms of working methods and models.

Why should you have your organisational development accompanied?

There are three reasons for accompanied organisational development:

  1. You obtain expertise in leading change processes
  2. We bring benchmark and proven good practice from other companies into the process.
  3. You gain additional resources for managing the change.

Developing a company with all its structures, processes and systems requires a wide range of expertise. We offer this expertise. We not only know how profound and deep change processes are for organisations and its members, we are particularly familiar with the difficulties, obstacles and resistance that will arise during this process. And we know how to deal with them in the best possible way in order to utilise the power of resistance for the success of the change.

Thanks to the various projects we have managed over the last 15 years, we provide valuable benchmarks from other companies as well as proven good practices. This saves you money and time and ensures sustainable solutions.

We also provide you with additional resources that can concentrate exclusively on the change process.

How does organisational development work?

Organisational development is divided into three central phases:

  1. Understand and win
  2. Move and change
  3. Stabilise and anchor
Organisational development process - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching

Phase 1: Understanding and winning


The first phase of organisational development lays the foundation for the entire process. A careful clarification of objectives and a thorough analysis of the current situation are crucial in order to understand where you want to go as an organisation and where you currently stand in relation to this objective. Key questions that we consider in this context are, for example

  • What is your corporate vision?
  • What characterises you as a company?
  • What characterises your corporate culture?
  • How are you organised, how do you lead?
  • What competences do you have in the company?


The results of this first phase are

  • Overview of identified fields of action
  • Change roadmap, which serves as a guard rail for the organisational development process
  • Concrete next steps

Phase 2: Move and change


In the "Move and Change" phase, the focus is on successfully implementing the planned changes and getting the organisation moving. This requires careful communication, active involvement of managers and employees, continuous monitoring and flexible adaptation of the approach to new circumstances.

Essential contents

  • Workshops on various topics
  • Team development of managing director teams
  • Management and employee development as part of seminars and training programmes
  • Process redesign, development and testing of prototypes
  • Retrospectives to record progress and lessons learnt


The result of this multi-year process is a realigned organisation that needs to be stabilised in the third phase.

Leadership development is part of
organisational development.
Leadership development

Phase 3: Stabilising and anchoring

The aim of this phase is to bring the new organisation into a steady state and to anchor the changes in the everyday lives of all employees and managers.

Customer feedback

It is the down-to-earth nature of Sabine Walter's work that inspires me. Her work with the Svea Kuschel + Kolleginnen team centred on the entrepreneurial vision and its implementation. The fact that the critical, emotionally sore points are worked out, tackled and solved in a practical way is above all to her credit. She achieves this with a perfect blend of leading and letting go, listening and questioning, closeness and distance. I can only recommend every company to organise change and further development processes with her!

Svea Kuschel + colleagues,
Constanze Hintze, Managing Director

What distinguishes our organisational consulting?

Focus on your competitiveness

The aim of an organisational development process is to maintain or regain your competitiveness. To understand exactly what situation your company is in and what you need to achieve as a result of the change , we take a lot of time to clarify the assignment. It is also important for us to understand how urgent it is to achieve the desired results. What risks arise if the results do not materialise at all or only partially or do not materialise at the desired time?

To clarify the assignment, we will ask you e.g. the following questions:

  • What are your entrepreneurial goals?
  • Why do you think it is essential to start this change process now?
  • What situations or factors might support the change?
  • What challenges could arise?
  • What do you dream of achieving together with us and why?

A company is highly complex and needs to be analysed at various levels:

  • at the level of the different protagonists and their way of working together
  • at the level of formal and informal structures
  • at the level of written and lived culture

Trust as a basis

In order to successfully embark on such a challenging path of organisational development together, a solid basis of trust between you and us is required. It is therefore extremely important that the chemistry between you as the client and the people in our team is right. Because trust can only develop if both sides have a good feeling right from the start, this "chemistry check" always takes place in the clarification of the assignment.

Critical sparring partner for managing directors

We also see our role as being a critical sparring partner for you as managing director or entrepreneur. This also means that we scrutinise the seemingly obvious, mirror discrepancies and express constructive criticism.

Important: We do this with integrity and in order to achieve the desired objective.

Linking organisational and competence development

In order to make organisational development a success, it is mandatory to develop new competences . The "new world" needs different things than the "old world". Only if we build up the required expertise among all employees and managers as part of the change process you will achieve the desired entrepreneurial goal.

This is why we combine our expertise in organisational development with that of management and employee development. Our clients greatly appreciate the fact that they receive these closely interlinked services from one trusted partner.

In our view, skills development depends on three key factors: Attitude, methodological knowledge and practical application. We take all three elements into account. We usually start qualifying leaders and managers. After all, it is them who play a key role in supporting and shaping the organisational development process that has been initiated.

Structure creates culture

In order to achieve a cultural change in the organisation, it is crucial to align structures in such a way that they fit the desired result. Which structures does your organisation need to achieve the desired cultural change? Do you need to reduce hierarchical levels, introduce self-organisation of teams or change decision-making processes? Structure creates culture. This is why organisational development that is intended to lead to cultural change also goes hand in hand with a reorganisation of structures, processes and roles.

Concrete measures

One element of our USP is also to co-create practicable solutions that fit to your company. Many of our experts bring their own management and industry experience and know the difference between textbook solutions and solutions that work in practice. You can thus rely on a healthy pragmatism in the process.

Team development of management teams
as a kick-off to our collaboration.
Team development management teams

How can our cooperation begin?

Medium-sized companies that have had little experience with consultants and organisational developers are often concerned that they will commit themselves for years and with large budgets, even though they do not yet know the consultants well and establishing trust was not yet possible.

I would like to take this worry away from you. We have had very good experience when joint collaboration develops gradually and budgets are always agreed for individual steps in the process.

Before you decide to get to know us, you should at least answer the following questions for yourself:

Organisational development

Aspects of the Assignment

  • What exactly do we as a company want to achieve throughout this organisational development process?
  • What is the ideal outcome at the end of the process?
  • Why is it essential to start this development process now?
  • What role should an external consultants play?
  • What exactly do we expect from them? Why?
  • What don't we expect from them?
  • How much time and money are we as top management willing to invest in the process?
  • How much additional workload can our managers and employees cope with at the moment?
  • Which key stakeholders still need to be convinced of the necessity of an accompanied organisational development process?
  • Which key stakeholders should be involved in the selection of the appropriate consultant? In what form?

We recommend that you speak to at least 2 different advisors to get a feel for what makes them tick and with whom you feel the chemistry is most right and which advisor is the best fit for your organisation, i.e. your managers and staff.

What our customers appreciate about us

  • Entrepreneurship at eye level
  • Stable basis of trust
  • Profound expertise
  • Critical sparring
  • High effectiveness

Blog article on organisational development

Chess King stands and all the pieces lie - The overstretched organisation - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Prostock-studio on Shutterstock
Many organisations have been overstretched for a long time. Absenteeism, internal dismissals and resignations are on the rise. The resulting economic damage in Germany in 2023 was over 150 billion euros!

We describe common symptoms so that you as a manager can recognise whether your organisation is also overstretched. However, we also provide suggestions on how you can break the cycle of excessive demands so that your organisation can recover.

The overstretched organisation: symptoms, causes and recommendations for action

Bernd Kratochwille
Photo | Kratochwille
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The BLANC & FISCHER Group from Oberderdingen joined us on the path of this cultural change at the beginning of 2022.

Bernd Kratochwille, Head of Corporate Human Resources, in conversation with Sabine Walter, gives a very good overview of the procedure, the challenges and critical success factors in this process of change.

Leadership culture in transition

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Photo | fizkes on shutterstock
Many teams are still focussing on their content agenda.

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Book Coaching BLOG