Consultancy expertise in the Munich region

Team development

Development of management teams, committees and project and employee teams

  • Strengthening a trusting relationship
  • Skills development as part of training programmes
  • Advice on team structures, roles and responsibilities
  • Conflict resolution
  • Strengthening team effectiveness
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Order clarification checklist

The result

Trust | Clarity | Ability to deal with conflict | Enjoyment of work | Commitment
Photo | Ground Picture on Shutterstock


Logo Svea Kuschel

Svea Kuschel + colleagues, Munich

Perfect mix of leading and letting go, listening and asking.

"It's the down-to-earth nature of Sabine Walter's work that inspires me. The coaching with the Svea Kuschel + Kolleginnen team focussed on the entrepreneurial vision and its implementation. The fact that the critical, emotionally sore points are worked out, tackled and solved in a practical way is above all to her credit. She achieves this with a perfect blend of leading and letting go, listening and questioning, closeness and distance. I can only recommend every company to organise change and further development processes with her!"

Constanze Hintze, Managing Director

Logo Blanc & Fischer - Best Practice Organisational Development | Executive Coaching

E.G.O. Group Division, Oberderdingen

You have to experience team development with Sabine Walter

"I didn't think we could do it in such a short time! And somehow you always did exactly what we needed as a group."

Team member I&T, E.G.O. Group, Oberderdingen

Logo Aran Bread Pleasure & Coffee Cult

aran Brotgenuss & Kaffeekult, Sindelfingen

Finding and developing employees for a successful start-up

"Attracting qualified employees to my company was the first challenge. Forming an effective team from these employees was the second. And successfully managing these employees during the start-up phase of my company was the third challenge for me. Sabine Walter was a reliable sparring partner and coach for me in all three challenges. With her empathy, she very quickly created a basis of trust that gave me and my employees the courage to leave our own comfort zone and grow beyond ourselves in a short space of time. We couldn't have laid a better foundation for the launch of our company."

Renate Weiss, Managing Director

Team development

Trusting management teams not only increase productivity. A good team atmosphere also ensures that employees feel comfortable and develop a stronger bond with the company.

The entrepreneurial benefits are even greater when managing directors and management teams work together in a spirit of trust.

What benefits can you derive from regular team development?

  • Improved communication
  • More cooperation at all levels
  • Higher decision productivity
  • Fewer destructive conflicts
  • More confidence
  • Greater employee loyalty

What characterises us as team developers?

Portrait Sabine Walter - Facilitator of team dynamic processes
Photo | Ruth Schmoldt

Sabine Walter

Experienced moderator of team dynamic processes

Enabling authentic encounters
Trusting collaboration requires authentic encounters. One of my qualities is to open up such spaces and maintain them for teams during the workshop. I work with what emerges, provide structure and instil trust. I am clear and appreciative, get to the bottom of things and develop practical solutions with the team.
Profile of Sabine Walter
Use Sabine Walter as your sparring partner:
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Helen Scheithauer - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching, Organisational Development | Executive Coaching
Photo | Scheithauer

Helen Scheithauer

Experienced manager, passionate, structuring, winning

A Partner to Help with Complex Change Processes
With her "just do it" attitude, she gets people active and at the same time finds solutions that enable rapid success. Helen Scheithauer knows the challenges that organisations have to overcome in order to lead complex transformations to success and take their employees along with them. She takes all the steps towards change together with her clients, stays on course and keeps her eye on the goal - even in critical phases.
Dr. Simon Drescher, communications consultant - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Timo Neumann

Dr. Simon Drescher

Experienced change consultant, analytical, reflective, challenging

Linking theory and practice in a trusting environment
The combination of socio-psychological and rhetorical theories with their practical application make his counselling services productive and effective. In workshops and seminars, Dr Simon Drescher takes his clients out of their comfort zone with a sure instinct and quickly establishes a level of trust. In this way, he makes it easy for them to open up to new ideas and experiences and, in times of uncertainty and change, to gradually gain security and confidence in the new.
Anja Kluge, organisational developer - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Jacqueline Häußler

Anja Kluge

Experienced team developer, hands-on, clear, structuring

Developing potential as a driver
Anja’s aim is to organize and structure, that’s why she has a keen interest in SMEs. Clear, workable concepts that cover all the key parameters, a good pragmatic approach, and sharp observation skills that can even pick up on factors that haven’t been articulated. Her clients value her talent for listening, reflecting, and even pointing out uncomfortable observations. Anja turns impossibility into possibility. She enables teams to bond around processes, even challenging ones, and cultivate mutual trust for the road ahead.

Our expertise for your teams

  • Sound systemic expertise
  • Industry experience
  • Measurable workshop results
  • Strengthened trust

Frequently asked questions before team development

How does team development work?

Team development is a lengthy process. The starting point is always an assignment clarification meeting. This is followed by either a team analysis or an initial workshop. The results of this workshop are then implemented by us.

What is the benefit of a team analysis?

The team analysis shows where the team stands in relation to key criteria. It enables the focus of team development to be set and initial measures to be derived. As the survey is completed anonymously, every team member has the opportunity to share their assessment of the team situation in confidence.

How much time should you allow for an initial team workshop?

Development happens overnight. You should therefore plan at least 1.5 days for an initial team workshop and treat yourself to a venue that allows for a joint evening programme and an overnight stay for everyone.

What are suitable premises for team development?

With their atmosphere, premises make a decisive contribution to the development process. I therefore recommend using premises outside the office. We can recommend suitable premises on the Ammersee, Chiemsee or in the greater Augsburg area.

How do you deal with teams that don't want to play team games?

Team development is much more than interactive games. Team development, as we understand it, focusses on enabling authentic encounters, building trust and creating clarity. This requires questioning established roles, structures and previous communication spaces and developing a framework together with the team that enables authentic and trusting cooperation.

Playful experiences are a natural part of the workshop if they fit in with the overall setting, but are not a central element.

Does team development make sense if the relationship of trust between team and manager is severely damaged?

If the trust between team and manager is damaged, team development is crucial if you want to continue working together in this constellation. The first step here is to find out what the causes of the damaged relationship of trust are. In addition, the team development process is flanked by management coaching.

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