Managing director knowledge: Success factors for successful change processes

By Sabine Walter
02 Oct 2024

Continuous change is part of competitive companies. However, the processes are still far from being a matter of course. This is also due to a lack of planning or insufficient implementation consistency. From accompanying transformations and from executive coaching, I know that change processes rob organisations and therefore all those involved of their strength. This also ensures that the initiated processes are not continued and the reluctance to make new changes grows. Based on my experience, I have compiled a checklist of the most important success factors. It is designed to help managing directors avoid the most common pitfalls and lead change to the desired result.

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Management Summary

Successful change management has various success factors. In this article, we have compiled 8 factors in the form of a short checklist and link to other articles in our blog for more detailed information.

The factors for successful change processes are

  1. Clear objective of the change project
  2. Convincing change communication
  3. A strong culture of trust
  4. A high willingness to change as part of the corporate culture
  5. Leadership strength
  6. Flexibility
  7. Sufficient resources
  8. Quickly visible successes and continuous recognition of progress

Checklist: Success factors for successful change processes

1. clear objective of the change project

In a co-creation approach, define what is to be achieved through the change process. A clear vision and measurable goals create orientation for everyone involved.


  • What do we want to change and why now?
  • To what extent are employees involved in the definition of objectives and the process and can they implement their ideas?

How employees become shapers of change.

2. convincing change communication

Transparent and continuous communication is the key to success. Everyone in your organisation must understand why the change is necessary and what impact it will have on their work.


  • How convincing is the change story?
  • How often and through which channels do you communicate?

Managing director knowledge: Communication in change processes

3. a strong culture of trust

Trust is the key to the success of change processes. Make sure that your employees have confidence in you, the management, the goal and the course of the change process.

Managing director knowledge: Change needs trust

Authenticity - a success factor as a managing director

4. a high willingness to change

Ensure that your employees do not perceive change as a threat, but as a normal development process. This requires a culture of trust and a continuous willingness to learn. Key aspects here are the error culture that prevails in the company and your own approach to change.

Managing director knowledge: 9 tips for a constructive culture of fault tolerance

Managing director knowledge: Understanding resistance in transformations and using it productively

5. leadership strength

As a managing director, it is essential that you show consistency throughout the process and make unpopular decisions where necessary. This requires self-confidence and absolute clarity with regard to the desired result.


  • Where is more consistency needed?
  • Where are clear decisions urgently needed?
  • To whom do I find it difficult to make unpopular decisions?

Decision-making culture - catalyst or brake in transformation processes

6. flexibility

Processes, including change processes, rarely run exactly according to plan. In addition, the business environment is very fast-moving. It is therefore essential to follow a flexible path and to adjust milestones, schedules, priorities and budgets.


  • Is our change process flexible enough to be able to react to unforeseen events?

Managing director knowledge: Understanding resistance in transformations and using it productively

7. sufficient resources

Ensure that sufficient time, budget and personnel are available for the change process and that the organisation is not overloaded.


  • Are the necessary resources available to successfully implement the change process?
  • What has absolute priority?
  • What day-to-day business can be postponed or left undone?

The overstretched organisation

8. successes and continuous recognition of progress

Focus on short-term, visible successes in order to strengthen confidence in the change process. These "quick wins" motivate the team and give the process additional momentum.

In addition, recognise (small) progress.


  • Where have we already made progress?
  • What has changed?
  • How does the collaboration in the process work?
  • How constructive is the communication?
  • What is going better / faster than you expected?
  • Which employees are you particularly aware of and how?
  • What are you proud of?
  • How did we communicate this progress and rapid success?

Conclusion: Successful change management has various success factors

Various success factors are required for change processes. Project budgets tend to play a subordinate role here.

Whether changes succeed and the willingness to change increases in an organisation depends largely on trust. This trust is fuelled by honesty, transparency and the quality of the process.

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