Executive Coaching & Organisational Development

I am Sabine Walter, an Executive Coach and Management Consultant in the Munich metropolitan region. Together with my colleagues, I offer the following services: Executive Coaching and Organisational Development. We mainly advise medium-sized family businesses and their managing directors.

Services and focal points of our management consultancy

Executive coaching, development of C-level teams and organisational development

Executive Coaching

Managing Director Coaching

Executive Coaching

Management Coaching

Team development C-Level

Building trust in management teams

Team development top management

Realigning cooperation between committees

Onboarding of new managing directors

Coaching questions from managing directors

How do we achieve our entrepreneurial goals even in a volatile environment?

How do we develop a long-term corporate strategy?

How do I build a high-performance management team that pulls together?

How can we become more innovative?

How do we successfully implement change processes?

Focus topics of our management consultancy

Strategic realignment

We wouldn't be needed if companies lived the culture that they set out in their mission statement and corporate values. Unfortunately, reality tells a different story.

  • Trust in managers at an all-time low in Germany
  • Double-digit sickness and fluctuation rates
  • Productivity losses due to "quiet quitting"
  • Annual costs for the German economy > € 150 billion

The Gallup Engagement Index 2023 for Germany shows:

Employees' trust in managers has reached an all-time low. The number of people who do not feel emotionally committed to their company and have resigned internally is at its highest level since 2012.

The symptoms:

  • company targets are repeatedly missed
  • High sickness rate
  • High fluctuation rate
  • Inadequate co-operation
  • no innovation

The consequences:

The lack of emotional commitment not only leads to increased sickness rates and double-digit staff turnover, it also leads to clearly measurable losses in productivity and costs the German economy more than 150 billion euros every year. This answers the question: "Is it worth investing in the further development of corporate culture?

The Gallup study shows:
Organisational development has a clear return on investment.

Use Sabine Walter as your sparring partner:
Contact us
  • Strategy review and, if necessary, redesign according to existing capacities
  • Reorganisation of roles, processes and responsibilities
  • Trust analysis
  • Realignment of the management culture
  • Recommendation for re-staffing key positions
  • Further development of leadership tools
  • Team development in the senior management team
  • Leadership development
  • Clarity of purpose and objectives
  • Strategic roadmap that is accepted within the company
  • Increased leadership effectiveness through a modern leadership culture
  • Greater employee loyalty 
  • Higher productivity

Introduction of a contemporary understanding of leadership

Since 1990, the German economy has grown by an average of 5% per year. This strong growth, the decline in skilled labour and a narrow understanding of careers, which required a leadership role, has not only led to the fact that

  • The company's excellent experts were weakened because they had to invest valuable time in employee management,
  • Many of these experts are not passionate about their leadership role, which leads to frustration and dissatisfaction among their employees.
  • One of the main reasons for internal dismissal is poor leadership
  • Only 25% of the employees trust the executive management
  • This lack of trust also results in a lack of willingness to change
  • The future stability of your company depends on the quality of its leadership

The Gallup Engagement Index 2023 also provides concrete figures on these reasons:

Employees' trust in their managers is the lowest it has been since 2013. Employees' trust in management is just 24%. That is 10% points less than in 2013.

This development is worrying and raises a critical question.

As a managing director, how do you intend to cope with the changes associated with the social and economic challenges if you hardly enjoy the trust of the workforce?

The future viability of your company depends largely on how quickly you succeed in introducing a contemporary understanding of leadership and anchoring a leadership culture characterised by trust.

  • Introduction of a contemporary understanding of leadership, including the associated leadership competences
  • Assessment of existing managers, e.g. through 360° feedback or job shadowing
  • Advice on developing alternative career paths
  • Adaptation of management structures if necessary
  • Leadership development
  • Executive Coaching for managing directors and C-level leaders focussing on personal development and leadership effectiveness
  • More confidence in your work as a leader and the work of your management team
  • Greater commitment from your employees
  • Lower sickness rate and staff turnover, resulting in lower costs
  • Greater willingness to change and increased speed of change
  • Sustainable entrepreneurial success

Realigning cooperation between committees

If trust within and between the respective committees; the management team, the advisory board and the shareholders is lacking or severely damaged, this paralyses the entire organisation. The focus of action shifts from the factual level to the relationship level. Differing interests and points of view are either hidden or openly aired. Conflicts cost time, nerves and money.

  • Unaddressed conflicts within or between have a negative impact on corporate culture
  • Damaged trust between the committees slows down decision-making processes
  • Lack of future expertise on advisory boards weakens the company
  • Insufficient leadership expertise in the advisory boards prevents qualified assessment of the executive management

In order for companies to remain competitive in the long term, even under rapidly changing geopolitical and social conditions, it is imperative that all bodies, including the advisory boards, develop future skills such as digitalisation expertise, a contemporary understanding of leadership and innovation expertise.

This is also confirmed by the study conducted by auditors PwC together with the INTES Academy in 2020.

Innovation specialists only make up around 1/3 of the advisory boards, and digitalisation specialists only around 1/4, making it virtually impossible for the advisory board to advise and monitor the management in these important future fields for the company.

The study from PricewaterhouseCoopers shows:
Innovation specialists are only found in around 1/3 of the advisory boards, and digitalisation specialists in only around 1/4.

  • Conflict resolution between the various bodies (shareholders, advisory board, management)
  • Developing the skills of advisory board members with a focus on leadership and personality
  • Regular 360° feedback for managing directors and advisory boards
  • Qualification of young advisory board members (NextGen)
  • Aligned corporate strategy
  • Faster decision-making processes
  • Increased expertise in all committees
  • Higher quality for significant investment decisions

Company succession | Generational change in family businesses

As the daughter of an entrepreneur, I also know from my own experience what it takes to confidently hand over the "oeuvre" to the next generation.

  • Handing over a business to children has a high potential for conflict
  • Letting go is difficult for the elderly
  • Self-confidence of the next generation must be strengthened
  • Expertise from other companies or larger organisations is often not available

5 questions from young family entrepreneurs

Will I be able to fulfil the responsibility?

Can I maintain the legacy of my parents / my father?

May I change things without hurting my parents or damaging the company's identity?

Will my father be able to let go or will he still be in the office every morning?

Will we manage the whole process as a family with as little conflict as possible?

  • Advice on how to structure the handover process
  • Further development of the corporate organization
  • Skill development for young entrepreneurs
  • Conflict counselling and conflict mediation
  • Executive Coaching
  • Company remains intact
  • Corporate culture and organization are set up for the future
  • Young entrepreneurs are accepted by the workforce
  • Generational change is largely conflict-free

Would you also like to initiate a generational change in your family business? Then get in touch with Sabine Walter for a non-binding initial consultation. In this meeting, I will gain an understanding of your initial situation. We will clarify where you stand in the handover process. On this basis, we will discuss the key points of the counselling process.

Selected references from our management consultancy

Logo Blanc & Fischer

Blanc & Fischer Group, Oberderdingen

Cultural transformation, executive coaching

Read one aspect of our consulting services in the article "Leadership culture in transition".

Article "Leadership Culture in Transition
Logo of the orthopaedic technology manufacturer Pohlig

POHLIG GmbH, Traunstein

Agile transformation, employee and leadership development, executive coaching

Frequently asked questions

How can we start a collaboration without having to commit to large budgets and long contract terms from the outset?

Over the years, various starting points for working together have proved successful. All of them give you the opportunity to get to know me and my way of working without having to commit to a large budget and a long contract period:

  • Executive Coaching
  • Team analysis in the management team
  • Moderation of a strategy workshop.

Start with executive coaching

The Executive Coaching gives you the opportunity to discuss with us, in a first step, the strategic issues related to the further development of your organisation as well as the objectives of your personal development.

We listen to you carefully, question, give feedback and impulses and develop a strategy, solution approaches and concepts together with you that help to achieve the desired results.

Managing directors and entrepreneurs who we support through executive coaching value us as a trustworthy sparring partner.

Start with a team analysis for management teams

The team analysis gives you the opportunity to become aware of the strengths and development areas of your management team.

  • How closely do you already work together?
  • How can this trust be strengthened?
  • What else is important in order to pull together as a management team?

Start with a strategy workshop

Another way to get to know us and establish an initial basis of trust is to commission us to moderate a strategy workshop. At the end of the workshop, you will receive an overview of your areas of action and a roadmap showing the next steps we recommend. Together we will realise whether the chemistry is right and whether we can imagine starting a collaboration.

How many advisors should I speak to before I make a decision?

You should speak to at least two advisors before making a decision. Listen to your gut feeling.

  • Where is the chemistry right?
  • Which person can you build a relationship of trust with?
  • Which consultant suits both you and your team?

We have provided a checklist on our "Organisational development" service page to help you prepare for the meetings.

Order clarification Organisational development

How much time should we managing directors allow for organisational development?

The further development of an organisation extends over several years. Managing directors play a key role in this process. You should therefore also plan time for this process.

In our experience, this is 30 - 40% of working time.

Cultural transformation: role and tasks of executive management

New in the management blog

Generational change in medium-sized companies - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | goodluz on Shutterstock

The SME sector is the engine of our German economy. This makes it all the more important that the generational change at the top of medium-sized companies is successful. We support medium-sized companies in shaping this change in personnel and the associated cultural change and leading it to success.

In this article, you will learn how the planned generational change can succeed.

Generational change in medium-sized companies - success factors

Strategy development - management consulting | coaching
Graphic | Uthai pr on Shutterstock

In many companies, the traditional strategy process overloads the organisation. As a result, strategic goals are sometimes not achieved or are achieved late.

In this article, you as a manager will be given ideas on how you can change the strategy process in your company in order to avoid overburdening employees and managers and achieve your business goals.

Sustainable strategy development in medium-sized companies

Developing potential in management teams - Orchestra musicians - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | Stokkete on Shutterstock

Developing the potential of management teams pays off. It is important that you understand the team members' why before you start the development process.

In this article, I answer five questions:
What does it take for everyone to be effective on their own?
How can individual effectiveness be increased?
How can managers successfully influence the development of potential?
How does the team potential become greater than the sum of the individual potentials?
What are the business benefits of developing potential?

Successful leadership: How to utilise your team's potential for business success.

Managing director knowledge: Effective questions as a management tool - Managementberatung | Executive Coaching München
Photo | marvent on shutterstock

Effective questioning is an instrument of modern leadership. Because an effective question is always at eye level and opens up more room for thought and solutions than an answer.

In this article, you will find specific exercise instructions so that you as a manager can use this effective management tool more consciously and successfully. These will help you to refine your ability to ask questions effectively.

Managing director knowledge: Leading purposefully with effective questions

Team development in management teams - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | Jacob Lund on shutterstock

When management teams work together in a spirit of trust, collaboration at other hierarchical levels is also more productive.

This has a positive effect on the competitiveness of companies in the medium term.

Read this article to find out how team development in management teams works.

Team development in management teams

Management tasks in transformation processes - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | Angelo Giampiccolo on Shutterstock

Recent years have shown that companies - regardless of size - are much more challenged to change in shorter cycles and sometimes more profoundly.

In order to remain competitive in a volatile environment, many companies are questioning their culture and initiating cultural changes. Success depends on various factors, including to a large extent on the executive managers. They have a key role in this change process. Read this article to find out what tasks are associated with this role.

Cultural transformation: role and tasks of executive management

Recently interviewed

Weber and Burggraf bwp
Photo | Laura Engeser

Hansjörg Burggraf and Alexander Weber are managing partners of bwp Weber + Burggraf, Beratende Ingenieure GmbH, based in Munich. Sabine Walter met them both for an interview.

Hansjörg Burggraf and Alexander Weber talk business

Executive coach Sabine Walter talks to entrepreneurs - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Ania Lewandowska fotobranding

"Why not interview the woman who initiated this format?" thought Tomislav Bodrozic, Managing Director of Fabula Games GmbH, during his entrepreneurial talk. He thus gave Sabine Walter the chance for a change of perspective.

Entrepreneurial talk with Sabine Walter

Peter Haberl
Photo | Haberl

"Transformations only succeed when managers and entrepreneurs are not afraid of the dent," says Peter Haberl, Managing Director of SSE Software GmbH in Augsburg. In an interview with Sabine Walter, the experienced manager talks about his way of leading and shaping, about what drives him.

Entrepreneurial talk with Peter Haberl

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