Practical Knowledge Team Development

Team development in medium-sized companies

Teams that can work in a trusting manner and be effective as far as possible independently, are at the heart of agile and healthy companies. Within the framework of our work, we accompany teams in their development towards a trusting, constructive and goal-oriented cooperation.

We are happy to share with you our experiences and ideas from this work.

Agile Leadership: Rugby team over the ball - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | PHILIPPE MONTIGNY on Shutterstock

Agile teams with a high level of conflict resolution competency can be recognised by the fact that they have a high level of trust in each other. They have the confidence in themselves as a team to resolve the conflict and they have the ability to recognise the first signs of conflict, to address them constructively and to transform them into a joint solution. The process takes time and should be accompanied by experienced facilitators.

Sustainable conflict resolution in teams

Developing potential in management teams - Orchestra musicians - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | Stokkete on Shutterstock

Developing the potential of management teams pays off. It is important that you understand the team members' why before you start the development process.

In this article, I answer five questions:
What does it take for everyone to be effective on their own?
How can individual effectiveness be increased?
How can managers successfully influence the development of potential?
How does the team potential become greater than the sum of the individual potentials?
What are the business benefits of developing potential?

Successful leadership: How to utilise your team's potential for business success.

Team development in management teams - Management Consulting | Executive Coaching Munich
Photo | Jacob Lund on shutterstock

When management teams work together in a spirit of trust, collaboration at other hierarchical levels is also more productive.

This has a positive effect on the competitiveness of companies in the medium term.

Read this article to find out how team development in management teams works.

Team development in management teams

Leading and moderating meetings - management consulting | coaching
Photo | fizkes on shutterstock

Many teams are still focussing on their content agenda.

Too little attention is often paid to the interpersonal component. However, we all know that if there is a lack of co-operation, progress on substantive issues is also slow. This article therefore provides you with concrete approaches on how to grow together into a trusting team.

Teambuilding - The path to trustful cooperation

Team development in medium-sized businesses - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Mangostar on Shutterstock

Team development in SMEs should be a matter for the boss, as a healthy team culture for these companies is of central economic importance is.

If this team culture is missing, demotivation, a drop in performance, internal resignation, high absenteeism and ultimately also external resignation are almost inevitable consequences.

We explain, how you recognise a healthy team culture and what you can do to trusting team culture in your company to develop.

Team development in small and medium-sized companies

Team and organisational development: Team exercise cooperation - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Vyshnova on Shutterstock

In times when different working models have become established and working from home is increasingly popular, the need for high-quality team time is growing.

In this article, I explain what this team time can look like and what elements structured team development involves.

Back to the office? Focus on team development

C-level teams: parachutists form a circle - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Mauricio Graiki on Shutterstock

For national or international teams in professional sport, it is a must if you want to play sustainably at the top: Teamwork. In the top echelons of industry, it sometimes comes up short. But why is it no longer enough at board or executive level to hire a group of competent alpha personalities? Why do we also need a well-functioning high-performance team at C-level?

More high performance teams at C-level

Organisational development - High-performance teams: rowing team in a boat - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Corepics VOF on Shutterstock

In many companies, the term "team" is used as a synonym for a "work group". In this article, we explain what differentiates a team from a work group and what distinguishes a high-performance team. Our team check helps you to analyse your own team.

From the working group to the team, to the high performance team

Conflict management: pillow fight - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Standret on Shutterstock

Who wouldn't want that: a well-functioning team in which the individual members mesh like cogs, complement and support each other perfectly and act like a smooth whole. Accordingly, a lot of time and thought is put into the composition of teams, and new team members are carefully checked for their team skills and "personal fit". Friction is to be avoided as much as possible, because this could be an indication that the cooperation is not running "like clockwork" and that the employees do not yet form a real unit. What is fundamentally overlooked is this: Friction is not caused by distance, but by closeness.

It happens in the best families! Disputes in teams are part of the culture of conflict.

Conflict Management: Girls with Boxing Gloves - Streitkultur - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
Photo | Sunny Studio on Shutterstock

When we look at companies in the Team development We are often greeted with the message: "Actually, everything is fine with us. We just want to see if we can improve the little things! When asked if there is a lot of arguing in the team, the answer is often a relieved "No.". Fortunately, we don't have any quarrels. There are hardly any conflicts either.

But this relief is deceptive. Because: A healthy and constructive culture of dispute and conflict is an expression of trust.

Get into the ring! On the value of the culture of argument.

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