Dr. Julia Friemel, mediator and lawyer - netzwerk managementberatung | coaching
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Dr Julia Friemel - Mediator, Specialist Lawyer

Mediator, employment lawyer
Empathetic mediator, results-focused, pragmatic


Mediator, Employment Lawyer, and Systemic Coach

Dr. Julia Friemel has been advising organizations, managers, and employees on matters of employment law for over 15 years. She trains managers, HR professionals, and employment lawyers at organizations such as IHK Munich and EIDEN Juristische Seminare, a legal training organization in Cologne.

Dr. Julia Friemel - Mediator & Labour Lawyer in the Munich Metropolitan Region

Changes Need to Benefit the Business while Being Fair

Organizations that undertake job-related change need to factor in the legal aspects so that it will be effective. It is also crucial that they are fair, create future opportunities, and communicate clearly. This is the only way they can make positive, forward-looking aspects, such as employee engagement and employer branding, successful and sustainable.

Dr Julia Friemel - Specialist lawyer

Professional Experience

Julia was admitted to the Bar in 2002 and holds a doctorate from the University of Regensburg. Throughout her previous roles at two midsize law firms in Düsseldorf and Munich and now in her own firm on Lake Ammersee, she has always asserted that treating people with respect and high regard is essential, as that is the only way to meet responsibilities in HR and employment law effectively.

Dr Julia Friemel - www.arbeitsrecht-ammersee.de

Dr Julia Friemel

Strengths: Taking A Responsible and Pragmatic Approach to Ensure Fair, Sustainable Solutions

Julia is an experienced employment lawyer with excellent listening skills. This gives her the ability to see complex situations from a variety of perspectives. She works with her clients to develop sustainable, resource-oriented, and thereby constructive solutions using a responsible and pragmatic approach.

Dr Julia Friemel


  • Entrepreneurial
  • Results-oriented
  • Helpful and supportive
  • Empathic
  • persuasively

Core Skills

  • Advising companies, organizations, managers, and employees on all matters relating to employment law
  • Training
  • Executive Coaching
  • change management
  • Mediation
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