Seminars and academies for SMEs | Munich Metropolitan Region
Leadership development
Training programmes for SMEs | Seminars, workshops & academies
- Leadership Training
- 360° feedback
- Personal development training
- Communication Training
ExpertiseDevelopment with head & heart
Management development
A continuous and aligned with the corporate strategy Expertise development in the company is crucial to ensure long-term competitiveness and to counteract the shortage of skilled workers by continuously qualifying its own employees and managers.
The training we deliver to companies in different languages is usually part of an organisational development process in which we support our clients. The seminars and leadership development programmes are tailor-made and ensure that they reflect the culture of the company or support the desired cultural development, fit in with the strategic goals and focus on the competencies and behaviours that characterise effective leadership.
Leadership Training
- Leading employees successfully
- Agile leadership
- Developing Agile teams. A Train-The-Trainer course.
- From colleague to boss. Leadership training for junior staff.
- Conducting employee appraisals convincingly
- Shape termination processes in an appreciative way
- Trust as a success factor. A sales and leadership training.
Communication Training
- Communicate purposefully. Training on how to lead a conversation.
- Convincing rhetorically
- Inspire instead of present - More than a presentation training course
- Leading meetings successfully. A basic seminar.
- Talk. Clarify. Decide. - To the point in 10-minute meetings.
- Never be speechless again. A repartee training course.
- Negotiating in conflict situations
The management training courses on personal development, communication and leadership are supplemented by individual management coaching or executive coaching. Coaching makes it possible to clarify confidential questions and concerns in a personalised setting.
5 reasons to choose us
- Excellent, multilingual trainers
- Good balance of theory and practice
- High interaction
- Trustful learning atmosphere
- Sustainable learning success
What characterises our seminars?
All the management training we develop and deliver lead to sustainable learning successes. This is because we take into account the psychological aspects of learning that people need in order to retain knowledge easily and apply it directly in everyday life after the seminar.
Our participants apply what they have learned in their everyday working lives, because...
- in our management trainings they are 80% actively involved.
- they work on questions and examples from their everyday professional life. You therefore acquire in the training insights that they can implement directly in everyday life.
- they learn with a mix of methods. This increases receptivity and makes development possible.
- they practise several times; also in front of a video camera. The subsequent individual analysis in a protected setting with the 2nd trainer strengthens individual strengths, points out areas for development and helps to accept changes with confidence that they will succeed.
Below you will find an overview of our seminars.
Leadership Training
After these two days, the participants know the key factors of successful and trusting leadership. You are able to delegate successfully and thus gradually hand over responsibility. They know how to agree measurable goals with staff and give constructive feedback. In a trusting atmosphere we work interactively with a good mixture of theory and practice. We practice various staff appraisals, such as e.g. critical feedback, before video camera and analyse each recording in a subsequent individual coaching.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Request Leadership TrainingAgility is an attitude. Someone who thinks and acts in an agile way is able to perceive what is happening in their environment and integrate it into their actions. Agile companies are organisations that adapt quickly to change, flexibly aligning their actions to the changing environment. So that they can, these companies need managers and staff who - individually and in the interaction - perceive, welcome and shape change. Agility requires an understanding of leadership at eye level. We develop this understanding in this seminar.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Request agile leadership trainingThe aim of this train-the-trainer course is to enable Agile coaches and scrum masters to analyse the maturity of a team and to moderate a Kick off workshop for team development. The seminar has a very high practical component, the facilitation workshop. In this workshop, for example, upcoming workshops from everyday professional life can be prepared and sequences carried out from it on a trial basis. As in almost all our seminars, we also work at this training in pairs. We thus have the opportunity to record moderations on video and evaluate them within the framework of an individual coaching.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6
Train-The-Trainer: Request informationIn this two-day seminar, we help the participants to better navigate the role change from colleague to boss, broaden their understanding of new tasks, conduct staff appraisals and fill their "toolbox" on the topic of leadership.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6
Do you need training for junior managers?
Contact usAn essential element of any leadership task is communication. Continuous dialogue helps to shape and accompany development and growth processes and to clarify questions and problems in such a way, that trust at any point in time remains intact. The aim of this seminar is to train precisely this on the basis of various employee interviews - on own situations from everyday life; with video camera and individual analysis after each conversation.
Seminar description:
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Conduct appraisal interviews: Request trainingThe aim of this seminar is to master the legal framework conditions of separations with confidence. Furthermore, we show ways in which a respectful and fair separation process can be designed. It is our concern that your company maintains its image as a good employer also in separation conflicts and thereby acts in an economically sustainable manner.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Request information about the trainingEvery successful relationship is based on trust. The focus of this two-day seminar is the Covey's trust model. What constitutes trust? What do different personalities need in order to be able to trust? How do we recognise that trust is present? How can we build it? What do we do when trust has been damaged? How can we restore it? We work on these questions together with the participants. Here we also use situations from the professional everyday life of the participants and lead concrete discussions in front of a video camera, that build and expand or restore trust. The practical component at this seminar also is very high.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 8
Trust as a success factor: Request trainingPersonality training
The aim of this two-day conflict management seminar is to help participants to do this, recognise their own and other people's conflict patterns more quickly, better understand the dynamics of conflicts, and expand their own action repertoire in dealing with conflicts. Recognising one's own patterns in conflict behaviour is the first decisive step towards resolving them and also reacting calmly in an emotional situation. As in all our seminars, the theory is directly applied in many exercises and conversations in this training also.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 8
Conflict management: Request a seminarAfter this seminar know the participants will present their strengths and talents and recognise them as resources. They are able to communicate their goals clearly. They stand behind what they say and communicate it persuasively. They have a clearer picture of their professional future and know in what form they will use networking for themselves and their goals.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
The ICH brand: Obtain a training offer"Few have time enough. But everyone has all the time there is." - The American management consultant R. Alec Mackenzie sums up the dilemma. If some people can get by with 24 hours in a day, for others a day should have 36 hours. In order to get off this hamster wheel, it is important to understand the personal drivers behind your own time management style, break through disturbing patterns. This personal reflection supplemented by classic time management principles and tools is the content of this seminar.
Seminar description:
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 8
Time management training: Obtaining informationCommunication Training
In this two-day seminar, participants will learn how to conduct two-way conversations, telephone calls or meetings in a targeted and results-oriented manner and how to convince their conversation partner. The participants use situations from everyday professional life for the practical exercises. This is also how they succeed after the training, to act confidently in upcoming critical conversations and keep the lead in the conversation.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Conversation management: Request trainingThis training offers participants a protected setting, to take their rhetorical skills to the next level. For this we train speech structures, conversation and repartee techniques. Thus after the seminar the participants are prepared for all linguistic challenges in everyday professional life.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6-8
Request Rhetoric TrainingThis two-day seminar is more than just another presentation training. It is a training in which participants learn with very many exercises to inspire enthusiasm in others for topics. Overall, the participants hold 5-6 presentations. In addition, they learn how to prepare presentations efficiently, enjoy communicating convincingly and in a way that is appropriate to the audience and also lead confidently through question rounds. All our participants leave the seminar enthusiastic and with substantial learning success.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 8
Request presentation trainingIn this two-day seminar, participants will learn how to moderate meetings in a structured way and achieve the desired results in the scheduled time. As in all our seminars, the participant is 80% actively involved in this seminar also. Therefore, they not only know in theory how to prepare a meeting productively and lead, but are also capable in practice of facilitating a meeting in a goal-oriented way and can ably deal with disruptions in meetings.
Seminar description:
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 8
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6
Meeting productivity: request trainingThe aim of this seminar is to enable participants to reflect on their discussion and leadership style and to come the point in 10-minute meetings. For this we give them an overview of the different leadership philosophies and their communication tools, highlight similarities and differences, and practise specific conversation and meeting situations in front of the camera.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6
Short meetings desired: request trainingIn this seminar we practice how to react in dicey situations confidently, calmly and even to react wittily. After our repartee training, participants see jokes, attacks and misunderstandings as a playful challenge. They learn to catch, redirect and deflect them - elegantly and entertainingly for successful, goal-oriented communication.
Seminar description:
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 10
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 8
Request Repartee TrainingSolving difficult conversation situations independently and without escalation is a challenge in organisations for many companies and their professional and managerial staff. The aim of this seminar is to help the participants strengthen their conflict skills and develop their conflict behaviour and negotiation skills in such a way that with all parties involved in the negotiation are able to develop solutions that are consensual.
Classroom training | max. number of participants: 8
Virtual training | max. number of participants: 6
Request negotiation trainingCustomer feedback
Our employees were enthusiastic about the seminars. They feel strengthened for their daily challenges. I have seldom experienced that in-company training is accepted with so much joy and success.
Martin E. J. Becker, Managing Director RBS Group (part of Drees & Sommer), Munich