
Impulses for Personality Development, Impulses for Society

The clock is ticking! 10 Impulses for an Education System with a Future.

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Our society is changing. Companies are changing. And our education system? Viewed from a meta-level, it seems as if the Stone Age meets the future, the digital world meets slate and stylus. We all want to become more digital - especially companies. Many of them have at least already recognised that this digitalisation goes hand in hand with a profound change in management culture and that this change can only be successfully implemented with a new understanding of work and employees. In a society that has recognised that its basis for survival is education, this would also lead to the education system actively supporting such a change. What could such an education system look like?

Impulses for a sustainable education system: Sanduhr - managementberatung | coaching
Photo | NeONBRAND on Unsplash

10 impulses for an education system with a future

  1. Education is a federal task. The sovereignty of the Länder in this area is abolished. The understanding of education, the design of educational standards is the exclusive responsibility of the federal government.
  2. Educational understanding and educational standards are based on the Findings from brain research and learning psychology and continue to develop through the integration of new findings.
  3. Cross-subject, interdisciplinary and networked learning in mixed-age groups is standard.
  4. Curricula leave a lot of room for creative design by the individual schools and teachers. In this way, learning opportunities are tailored to different personality and learning types. Learning is fun!
  5. Lesson and break times as well as the design of the daily routines correspond to the Biorhythm.
  6. All schools are modern. They use digital technology and craft infrastructure such as workshops, studios, creative and play spaces in equal measure.
  7. Creativity and independent and self-responsible thinking and acting are Active in the schools promoted. This leads to the pupils developing their creativity in finding solutions and to an increase in each individual's willingness to take responsibility for themselves and their environment.
  8. The teaching profession is attractive. Teaching is also open to people with other professional backgrounds if they are able, Conveying knowledge in a vivid and inspiring way.
  9. All Teacher are comprehensively trained in psychology, didactics and pedagogy. They enjoy working with children and young people and have the exclusive aim of supporting each individual in the development of his or her personality.
  10. Grades become superfluous. There is individual feedback on strengths and areas for development. Learning and development dialogues take place regularly.

Education can no longer be left out of the public debate on social challenges and social change. The Bertelsmann Foundation predicts in its recently published education study a glaring shortage of teachers by 2030. We will not close this gap with the current system and the small-scale but oppressive machinery of education. The best education for the people living in our society must be declared a top priority and thus become a chancellor's task in Germany. There are enough ideas on how to reform our education system. Now it is time to make decisions - even if they are unpopular for some at first glance.. An outgoing chancellor could still have the courage to initiate this change in Germany. She has nothing to lose, we all stand to gain.

Bertelsmann Foundation study

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