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Organisational Development | Employee Management

Leading virtual teams effectively

From Sabine Walter,, Head of netzwerk managementberatung | coaching

The Corona crisis has forced many companies overnight to transform classic forms of work into virtual structures and digital processes in order to remain able to act even in times of restrictive framework conditions. Tools and platforms that enable digital working have found acceptance in many companies and enable working from home. Now it is a matter of maintaining leadership effectiveness, productivity and team spirit even under virtual framework conditions. How can this be achieved?

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Leading virtual teams effectively - how to succeed.

Step 1: Ensure identification with goals and tasks

Virtual working raises concerns among some leaders about losing productivity and leadership effectiveness. Will the employees also do everything that needs to be done in the home office? How do I reach my employees when I want to assign them new tasks or coordinate things? How do I ensure that defined regulations are adhered to? What happens if the employees get a taste for home office and demand it even after the crisis?

Productivity and leadership effectiveness do not per se depend on physical presence in the office. Productivity is achieved when employees and managers identify with the goals and tasks.. They are more likely to do so if they help define it and see meaning in what they do. I therefore invite you to take time to assess your team from a higher perspective:

  • How strongly do my employees identify with their tasks?
  • What meaning do they see in their activity?
  • To what extent do they stand behind the agreed goals?
  • How strongly do they burn for what they do?

Identification with the objective and task is a basic prerequisite for intrinsically motivated behaviour - regardless of whether one works in a home office or in an office. And clearly defined goals that employees stand behind and are committed to achieving are a crucial pillar of leadership effectiveness.

Leading virtual teams - this is how it works.

Step 2: Sharpen clarity of purpose

Due to the current situation, priorities have shifted and goals have changed in many companies. So that everyone in the team has a common understanding of what is to be achieved and by when, it is advisable to invest time as a team and with each employee individually in even more goal clarity. "What exactly (result) must be available by when and in what form?"is the key question here. "What decisions are needed and by whom to achieve the outcome as agreed?"is the second central question, in order to then let the employees shape the path to the goal themselves.

Leading virtual teams - this is how it works.

Step 3: Grant a leap of faith

Even though trust is not something that can be produced at the push of a button, I recommend that you let go and give your employees a leap of faith. This is an investment that pays off and that, in most cases, leads to a growing sense of responsibility among employees.

Look at each employee individually and consider as a first step: "How much freedom can each member of my team responsibly fill? How many guard rails and guidance does everyone needso as not to be overwhelmed?" Experience shows that the free space grows successively, the "leash" becomes longer.

When you have a clear picture for yourself, discuss this with each employee. Determine together which framework conditions are necessary to be able to work well. This includes, above all, communication spaces and times.

Leading virtual teams - this is how it works.

Step 4: Create clear framework conditions

In order for virtual teams to be productive and maintain team spirit, it takes clear rules on accessibility and a Regular and trusting communication - 1-on-1 and as a team.

Regular communication creates transparency. Transparency helps to build trust. Therefore, especially with mobile working, it is important to have communication spaces such as a jour fixe or regular 1-on-1s.

As many employees cannot work undisturbed and unhindered at home due to the current school and daycare closures, it is important, Agree on common communication times and at the same time also set communication-free times.n. In these, parents can, for example, support the children in learning, play with them or do household chores.

Leading virtual teams - this is how it works.

Step 5: creative pragmatism instead of tried-and-tested perfectionism

I experience many employees and managers who, despite the restrictive framework conditions, want to develop and shape many things in order to make their contribution to the successful continuation of the company.

Creative ideas are needed, pragmatic decisions and the openness to go new ways and try things out. And since ideas can also be developed well in a team, regular communication with each other is necessary.

Actively ask your employees to perceive obstacles in the current work processes and to contribute their ideas on how things can be better. Listen, discuss, decide - pragmatically. In case of doubt, readjust.

Leading virtual teams - this is how it works.

Step 6: Actively promote team spirit - celebrate successes

The key question to solve in the team and where ideas are welcome is: How can we maintain trust in the team even if we don't all see each other every day?

A decisive measure in this is to Communication and the exchange of knowledge to continue to guarantee among themselves, the mutual support ensure and above all Create a space in which conflicts can be addressed in a trusting and open manner and resolved constructively, also via digital media.

But it is even more important from our point of view, to talk about achievements, to document them and to celebrate successes. It's not the same, but you can also bump into each other via video conference! Be creative.

Conclusion: Leading virtual teams

Leading virtual teams offers many opportunities. Make use of them!

The current Corona crisis demands a lot from everyone. It relentlessly exposes weaknesses in many areas of our society, not only in the health and education systems. Above all, the crisis demands overnight what is overdue in companies, organisations and our society:

  • Courage to go new ways
  • Pragmatic decisions
  • Agility and cooperation
  • Digital work
  • Trust in each other and
  • Leadership

Despite all the uncertainty, this crisis also offers the chance to accelerate change, to break down rigid structures, patterns of thought and action and to close a leadership vacuum. We get the chance to live, test and develop new work across the board. No matter how we will work after the crisis, leadership is always needed. Now is our chance to redefine it and make it what it is for companies, organisations and a sustainable society: the basis for success.

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